Christmas With Your Pet: 10 Funny Illustrations
For most of us, Christmas is an amazing time of the year with all those twinkling lights, presents and not to mention the excessive amounts of food to eat. However, those of you who are lucky enough to be accompanied by a furball will probably know that this festive period can be unpredictable and at times, borderline dangerous.
Christmas trees on the floor, stolen food, presents ripped to shreds…These are just a few of many delights that you can look forward to with your pet this Christmas. Regardless of these slight annoyances, it goes without saying that Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without them, they just make the whole experience more cozy and warm.
Below, Lingvistov has given an accurate representation of the ‘magic’ of Christmas with pets in 10 funny images.
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Donec id erat sit amet tellus maximus vehicula. Fusce faucibus elit ut dictum elementum. Nam accumsan ipsum eu metus laoreet
Donec id erat sit amet tellus maximus vehicula. Fusce faucibus elit ut dictum elementum. Nam accumsan ipsum eu metus laoreet